Crying and Praying for Paris

A few days ago I wasn’t sure what to post here. I have been struggling with my thoughts and words.

the month of November and December are always the hardest out of the year and I was already feeling blue. While people create their guest- and shopping lists and seating plans for Thanksgiving, I Read More...

Washington Trip Followup

The Press Conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. on Monday the 25th of October 2015 was a success. We were joined by the following hardworking and ever so diligent people from different states who had been writing about the issue of Illegal Immigration and the effects on our Read More...

Press Conference in Washington, DC

On Monday the 26th of October I will join a press conference in Washington,DC to once again, share Dominic’s story of his life and death.

I will be joined by other families who lost loved ones and feel the pain because of the action of an illegal alien.

We will share the devastating impact of

Sabine’s Story

People ask me who Dominic was and what DOMHUGS is about.
There was so much depth and substance to him and it is hard to explain him in just a few sentences.

Dominic was the kind of friend that you knew you could always depend on. The kind of buddy that would give his honest opinion and be there Read More...

Sabine goes to Washington D.C.

As I am waiting for my flight to Washington, D.C., I have a little time to reflect on the Avalanche that I was in for the past 2 weeks.

I first want to thank each and everyone for the incredible love, support, generosity and just being behind us for the last 3 years.

3 years ago I was looking at

Sabine’s Story

This is my fight for Dominic and so many others who can’t speak up anymore. Not every mom or dad affected by this, are able to stand up and scream of this injustice. I will continue to tell our Dominic’s story.

Dominic’s Life

Dominic D. Durden was born on January 22nd, 1982 in Germany. At the age of 10, he and his family moved to the US where they planted roots in
Moreno Valley California. He was the kind of person that was an exemplary friend; always there when you needed someone, and a person who even if you Read More...